Inkeri-seura (Association of Ingrian Finns) was founded by the community of Ingrian Finns, who lived in Finland before World War II. The society had existed up to the beginning of the 1990s, but due to a decrease of the number of its members it was officially closed. In 2008 the society was re-established by Ingrian Finns who had migrated to Finland in the 1990s. The society (it's new name Association of Ingrian Finns of Helsinki region) is the member of SuomenInkeri-Liitto (Ingrian Finns’ Organisation of Finland). InkerinViesti is a printing press magazine of the society.

Our programme before Christmas

3.12. в малом зале Карьяла-тало Инкери-сеура провела "маленькое рождество" для взрослых и детей. Сеньоры их Мюллюпуро представили спектакль на библейские рождественские темы. "Йоулупукки" ("рождественский козел - в переводе на русский дед мороз) в исполнении Тойво Тупина раздавал всем подарки. Гостям был предложен горячий "глёги" (грог) и пирожки с капустой (творение Эллы Куковой), а также "пипаркакут" - традиционное рождественское печенье. Мы все дружно пели рождественские песни. Фотографии на нашем сайте www.inkeriseura.com.

10.12. в Инкери-зале мы делаем своими руками рождественские открытки. Это мероприятие становится уже традиционным. Открытки мы делаем уже третий год подряд. В прошлом году мероприятие прошло на "ура". Никто не мог даже предположить, что это настолько увлекательно: делать открытки своими руками. По признанию самих участников они предполагали провести за этим делом пару часов, но на самом деле у нас ушел (!!!) целый день.

В прошлом году пришедшие на ярмарку местные жител купили у нас открыток на сумму 40 евро! (Признаюсь, эта сумма ушла на оплату штрафа за неправильную парковку машины у Карьяла-тало. Чьей - догадайтесь сами.) В этом году ожидаем такого же успеха.

См. фото-репортаж на сайте сеньоров www.123kotisivu.com/seniorit. Напоминаю, что сеньоры из Инкери-сеура учатся редактировать его сами под руководством Айли Мехиляйнен.


3.12 ”Little Christmas” celebration took place in the small hall of Karjala-talo of Inkeri-seura. Seniors of Myllypuro performed the biblical theme of Christmas. Joulupukki (Finnish ”Santa Claus”) gave out presents. The guests were offered hot ”glögi”, cabbage pies and traditional Christmas ”piparikakut”- ginger cookey

10.12. We were making Christmas cards in Inkeri-hall. This event takes place for the 3rd time and is a tradition now. Last year we sold our cards for 40 euros during Christmas market! This year we anticipate the same success.


Last Updated on Monday, 01 April 2013 07:18

The society aims to spread the knowledge in Ingrian history, to inform the local Finnish population on Ingrian Finns’ origin and to also establish relationships between Ingrian Finns and the locals in order to disprove the existing stereotypes towards the Russian-speaking population and to hold mutual events to maintain the cooperation in the other fields of the volunteers’ activities. 
Their other goal is providing assistance to newly-arrived repatriates, which involves Ingrian Finns of all age groups in volunteering activities, taking part in the InkerinLiitto events as well as cooperation with other Russian-speaking societies and Finnish organisations and societies.
The society accentuates their activities within the elderly community as their lack of knowledge in Finnish might lead to their self-isolation. The ethnic Finns come from post-USSR countries where volunteering activities were underdeveloped and the idea of active citizenship was not a familiar concept to the elderly.
The society
• Organises educational and entertaining seminars and events;
• Distributes information on the history of Ingrianland and Ingrian Finns;
• Is involved in publishing activity;
• Coordinates the activity of the youth groups (summer camps, music festivals, hobby groups for the kids);
• Arranges the work of the seniors clubs to prevent their isolation and to involve them in various activities (fancy-work hobby group, trips and hiking, educational activity, mutual holidays, language groups, etc.)

Main aim of our association is to look at the work and practice of other partners in EU about integration of senior immigrants (50 plus) and adopt the best from them. Most of our partners are voluntary not for profit organizations and we are looking closely to the voluntary section where financial help is limited but achieve positive results.

Last Updated on Monday, 01 April 2013 07:12

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Contact details:

Helsingin seudun Inkeri-seura ry
Karjalankatu 1
00690 Helsinki