Невесты, сестренки, любимые мамы
И бабушки наши, и дочки, и жены!
Сегодня мы всех вас, прекраснейших самых,
С весной молодой поздравляем влюбленно.
Сегодня мы вам преподносим букеты
И наши сердца, и признания наши, -
Что каждою вашей улыбкой согреты,
Что нет вас роднее, дороже и краше.
These are the words that commenced the celebration of the International Women’s Day of May 8th by the Union of Russian Immigrants in Greece and the participants of the Club 50+ of the EU program “Steps Towards Active European Citizenship”
This day that we loved so much in our school days, is almost inexistent in Europe. Although it is actually here, where even in the times of Ancient Rome that the day of Matrons-married women, mothers and wives, started being celebrates.
The tavern “Bairaktaris” was filled with songs, lines from Russian poets and dances, creating an absolutely friendly and warm atmosphere.
Photos by Irina Zhalnina-Vasilikioti