We’ve already mentioned in previous posts that the Union of Russian Immigrants in Greece has received a grant from the EU to participate in the Grundtvig program, and we have invited our readers to participate in the project.
The most active responded, and today their lives have significantly changed. They once again became “students”, and are again opening for themselves the limitless horizons of knowledge: they are learning the history and culture of Greece, learning about their rights in a new country, they travel, they socialize, they make friends, go to to taverns, excursions and seminars...
The Grundtvig program is named in honor of the famous Danish theologist and poet Nikolaj Frederik Severin Grundtvig (1783-1872), who initiated the creation of European “national” and accessible universities. HIs ideas still live in Europe today. Europeans keep learning, no matter what their age. Having been in February in Finland, the delegation of the Union of Russian Immigrants in Greece learned, for example, that the government of this-years ago underdeveloped-country, will finish in 2013 the program “Computer and Internet for every citizen of the country”, that automated machines for bill payment are considered outdated because now all payments are made online, and other interesting facts. The country has made its bets on high-end technology and on teaching the citizens of the country, no matter how old they are.
Contemporary life is almost not complete without the knowledge of even the most basic tools for using information technology. Sooner or later one is definitely faced with the necessity to use a computer and to know about its really endless possibilities: to talk for free with your loved ones across the planet through Skype, to find essential information (from laws to recipes), to send an email or a photo that will be momentarily delivered to the recipient's screen, to have discussion on interesting topics with an invisible large group of people through forums, to find new friends and to keep in contact with old friend throughs social networks,to... It’s impossible to list everything!
The Internet the democratic, it opens its embraces to people on any age and social status. But significantly helped by it are those, who are in great needs of socializing. Often people in this category are of an older age, especially if they were under the course of unpredicted events, found in a strange, secluded place. For example, immigrants. In this situation, knowing how to use a computed is very important, but how to start if your economic possibilities are limited?
In the framework of the “Grundtvig” program, the Union of Russian Immigrants in Greece, organized free computer classes, led by the member of the Union, computer engineer Pavel Onoiko.
There were many people who showed up. From January 28th, groups of 6-8 people started classes, which took place every Saturday for 2 hours (per group), and lasted for 2 months.
Not to say it was easy either. It turns out that older people find it harder to learn new information, and skills take longer to be acquired. Sometimes students had to train for the whole class, or even two, to learn how to “click” the mouse correctly.
Pavel was a patient and kind teacher, and with his help these difficulties were gradually overcome.
Galina Chionidi