A creative night with Euclede Kyurdzidis took place in Athens. Last Sunday the members of Club 50+ visited a creative night by the Russian actor or Greek heritage, which took place in Athens within the framework of the festival “Week of Russian cinema in Greece” organized by the companies “Leda-Film” and “Start Festival”, with the support of the Ministry of Culture of the Russian federation and the Embassy of the Russian Federation in Greece.
The event was sold out, and the hall of the “Park Hotel”--where it took place-- had no single free seat. In the photos you can see the producer of “Leda-Film” Elena Borisova, the director of the Greek Cultural Center in Moscow Theodor Yannitsis, astronaut Alexander Lazutkin and the director of “Start Festival” Xenofon Lambrakis.
Elena Borisova, the director and producer of “Leda-Film” thanked everyone who came to the night, and noted “I hope the local audiences will like the films we chose to show in Greece”. At the event was also present astronaut Alexander Lazutkin, hero of the Russian Federation, who played the leading role in the film “Space as Obedience.”
The director of “Start Festival” Xenofon Lambrakis gave Euclede Kyurdzis a trophy present – a tie with photoprints of the actor, made by John Galliano.
The atmosphere was homely, warm and comfortable.
The actor talked about his life, read poems, sand Russian and Greek songs, and on the screen flashed the brightest moments of his acting career. And of course, Euclede Kyurdzidis answered questions from the audience.
“It is very worrying for me to he here, among you, in Athens. I am sad that Greece is going through a difficult time, and for that I am twice as happy that I had the opportunity to support my brothers and sisters in this hard time,” said Euclede, to which the audience responded with a round of loud applauses.
Euclede Kyurdzidis, members of “Club 50+” and members of the Union of Russian Immigrants in Greece.
Meeting their favorite actor was a real present for the members of Club 50+, and the fantastic mosaic of music , songs, poems and videos was a source of energy, happiness and a good mood.