June 12, 2013 in the conference hall of the Municipality of Ilion, in connection with the pro- Congress activities of the party "New Democracy " a "round-table" discussion was held on the topic, "Social solidarity and volunteer movement " to get acquainted and exchange of experience in this field.
At the meeting were representatives of social and religious organizations whose activities are related to the charity and other forms of social support. Among them was the Union of Russian emigrants in Greece named after S.I. Demidova, represented by its members : Mrs I. Zhalnina, Mrs G. Hionidi, Mr A. Hionidis as well as the activists of the Club 50+, Mrs L. Halilova, Mrs L. Gurdzhidi and Mrs N. Nicodemou
The audience listened attentively the speeches of Mr K.Yannopulos , Chairman of the organization "Smile of the Child" in Greece, Mrs M.Pini , the representative from the Family Support Center of the Holy Archibishopric of Athens, Mrs M.Yanniri , Chairman of the Pan-Hellenic Organization for Women , Mr G.Stamatis responsible for the development of the volunteer movement of the party "New democracy" and others. They outlined the current situation in the field for the support of the economically weaker parts of the population , whose situation has deteriorated significantly in relation with the worsening of the country's economic crisis. They noted the shortcomings in the work of their organizations due to the aforesaid problem and they shared their experience in this field. It has been observed that in Greece the percentage of participation of the community in volunteerism is lower than in many European countries and this problem should be resolved by the active participation of all social organizations.
Steps Towards European Active Citizenship
Social solidarity and volunteer movement
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10667 Athens, Greece
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