23 February, 2013 in the Theater «Badminton» our «Club 50+» attended the play «Ball-Masquerade» of M. Lermontov (The Moscow Theater of Eug. Bachtangov) «The play attracted by it’s untraditional and original way of acting, - one of our senior member of the «Club 50+» said, – and made us think about the preciseness of the human life. Our classics, as it is well known, always arise the all-time problems. These kind of happenings made us, people who live far from our native land, feel the pride. And we understand that we have to share this pride with our children. And these can be made only by learning Russian language, Russian literature, it’s culture and traditions”.
Steps Towards European Active Citizenship
«Club 50+» of the Union attends the play «Ball-Masquerade» of M. Lermontov
Contact details:
Kannigos 19 1st floor
10667 Athens, Greece
Tel: +302103839459
Fax: +302103839459